Become Successful on YouTube

TechssocialIn the past, advertisers were using TV to promote their products. But recently, we have seen a huge switch by them and they have started to use YouTube advertising.

The popularity of YouTube has skyrocketed over the last 10 years. One of the main reasons for its success is that it isn’t just for watching but to create social interaction and grow communities.

If you think about starting a YouTube channel, then it is going to be hard and time taking for being successful.

It’s very difficult to earn views and subscribers in the beginning. The view count on videos is important, however, having a strong subscriber base that eagerly waits for your next video is a lot more beneficial.

Getting new subscribers can be a very daunting process while starting a new YouTube channel. Nevertheless, certain measures can help you in building a successful YouTube channel.

Nine Major Steps you can Follow to Become Successful on YouTube:

Follow the below-mentioned steps to become successful on YouTube.

1. Know your objective

It’s important to know the difference between objectives you are trying to achieve while creating videos for your channel. There are many different sets of goals you could be trying to achieve while working on your content.

Do you just want to get as many views for your video as possible?

Do you want people to click through to another website and complete an action?

Or do you need people to engage with your channel and your channel’s message?

Each scenario will affect the way your video is produced and ultimately, its success.

2. Find your Niche

A great niche is a combination of what you love to talk about, your area of expertise and experience, and most importantly something to draw the attention of the audience. You must make your niche about something you enjoy to reduce the possibility of burnout.

If you want to be successful on YouTube, you need to focus on two major factors such as choosing the right niche and having a method for constant improvement over time. This is the reason “why” finding your niche is the most vital step to become successful on YouTube.

3. Research Keywords for your niche

While creating the content, you must be aware of your viewer’s choices. Therefore, always try to use the most trending keywords for your niche.

Optimizing your video content for search is just as important as it is for any written content on a blog or website. You have to be strategic, find more relevant keywords for your video, and know which audience you wish to target.

4. Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is one of the first things you must do if you want to dominate your niche. Do an analysis and develop a competitor’s profile by taking cues from their content.

Competitor analysis is one of those tried and true concepts that work for a reason. It’s extremely valuable and neglecting it in favor of other forms of marketing is going to cost you dearly. Make an outline based on the keywords they use, their interaction with viewers for your content.

5. Design a Meaningful and Good content

Producing a video that causes people to share, comment, and react is no easy task. You don’t just create viral content because you want to; it needs to come from a place of relevance and importance for your channel.

When you create a video it should be with a purpose and a method to an end. Viral content – unless it happens by chance, must be well-thought-out and gripping.

6. Be descriptive with your content

Search engines prioritize video content according to keywords. Using them in your video title and description will help search engines to know what your video is about. When users are searching for relevant topics, your SEO-optimized video could be the result that shows up first.

In these cases, your video will likely be watched and shared by other viewers. This helps with your bottom line and overall success in Internet marketing.

7. Use the “The Featured Video” section

Featured videos on YouTube are on a pretty good rotation. However, they also have a lot of competition.

If you want to be sure your video gets seen before it becomes buried in the millions of other videos on YouTube, you can pay for YouTube to feature your video as a “featured video.”

Sometimes videos can take off before you know it, and this way you can get them in front of the right people even in their infancy.

This is a great way to get your videos on the homepage of YouTube, the first page of Google, and get them seen by as many people as possible without purchasing different types of advertising.

8. Use Annotations

Annotations are the links under your video that activate when someone hovers over them. They lead people to other videos, external websites, or even a blog post related to your video.

Whether you are looking to increase your views on YouTube or just want to gather more traffic to your channel, one way you can accomplish this is to add annotations in your videos.

These places can include additional videos you have uploaded, a contest page, or even a link back to your blog.

9. Be interactive with users

Being interactive with other users increases your chances of getting traffic on your channel. You can seek new users who are active and adding value through their participation in the social network.

One way is to place your ad in front of as many users as possible and hope that the traffic you get is valuable.

With minimal effort, you will be able to find there is a way to get your video in front of them, but without spamming so that they can do part of the work for you. Your video will also benefit from more traffic and result in increased comments.


The above points guide you to become successful on YouTube and provide some great insight into getting your channel off to a good start and promote your business.

By following a systematic plan of getting subscribers, views, and engagement to build a base for long-term channel growth, you will have a better chance of success.

In order to make your YouTube channel successful, you need to invest a massive amount of time and money.

If you want to boost your YouTube channel and get views on videos instantly, you can buy instant YouTube views from YTViewsOnly. By doing this, you can gain better credibility on YouTube.

Various YouTubers around the world purchase views to kick start their journey on the platform. Hence, you can do the same and move ahead.

Lastly, you need to continuously invest more time in creating content as per your audience’s needs. By doing this, you will become successful on YouTube.

By editor

Hemant is Digital Marketer and he has 6 + years of experience in SEO, Content marketing, Infographic etc.