Create Short Videos

TechssocialVideos exist and grow more and more: they increase engagement, capture attention, attract reach, and increase traffic. However, for some of us, the idea of ​​being in front of a video camera drives us crazy.

If you fall into this group of people, here are four easy ways to break the ice and start making short videos… even if they drive you crazy!

What is a short video?

With short videos, I refer to those of 1 or 2 minutes in length, that is, short, bright, and engaging ones, not long, modified, and high-quality ones that you could see on YouTube.

There is nothing wrong with YouTube’s sparkling videos. They are always an excellent strategy if you can do it with videos, but this post only focuses on getting you started on the right foot, trying to make you go beyond yours ” comfort zone “and removing the idea of ​​making a video as if you were in a professional studio.

4 ways to create short videos

Even if they drive you crazy or if being in front of a video camera will be the last thing you want to do. Some of these tips rule out the fact that you necessarily have to be in front of the target!

  1. Turn on the camera

One of the biggest reasons that usually drive you out of your mind (and believe me, I’ve been there too) is to stay in front of the camera, because we feel vulnerable, exposed and there are too many factors that we can’t control… The only idea sends out. So don’t do it. I’m not saying NEVER show you on the camera, but don’t do it at first, if this is difficult for you, instead: Get out of the lens!

Lost LeBlanc is an excellent example of how you can use the video camera and take us for a ride, for instance, in Paris: moving away from him, the camera has built a good number of followers. Sometimes, focusing everything on a location, on tour, on a product, or whatever is much better than aiming at the goal!

  1. Let it be short!

If you’re getting upset because you don’t know where to get your first videos, here’s an idea: make it short. You don’t need to create 5-part mini-series that have perfect original light, intro, closure, and music. Everyone loves short, naked, and raw videos, so relax.

If you’re still going crazy, start with a 15-second video on Instagram, even if you MUST NOT do it more than this time, since Instagram has increased the video time up to 60 seconds. So make it 60, it doesn’t matter, it always remains short! To do this, use the tips from 3 to 5: using the mobile phone camera and taking advantage of the apps, it will be SUPER simple to create small excerpts of videos.

You can do the same on Facebook: short and sparkling videos that last up to a minute increase engagement and capture attention, not to mention that, as I said before, Facebook increases reach, which translates into more attention from your fans!

  1. Use your mobile phone camera

Forget the technology and use what is right in front of you: your mobile phone! Be naked and raw, and again, if you don’t feel comfortable, try one of these approaches to start making short videos:

Find an old movie on your phone and turn it into a short video. You may already have a movie that you can reuse if you feel comfortable sharing it.

Use FlexClip to create a video with images or small excerpts of videos that you already have on your phone. You can learn more about FlexClip here, and you can see examples of how it is used.

Make a video to someone who gives a comment or opinion about your business if you are at an event. It will always be something inherent in your brand, but you don’t necessarily have to be in front of the lens, and you don’t have to make your voice heard.

Give an excellent quick tip – show something and give a suggestion, it could be an excellent book, tool, trick, or process. The important thing is that it is short and that you use your video camera. It will be like looking over your shoulder for your fans! OR you can put yourself in front of the target to start gaining confidence.

  1. Take advantage of the tools

The best part of the short videos is that there are so many tools and mobile apps available that can help you create content quickly, which look beautiful, require minimal editing, and that doesn’t make you freak out (with these you don’t have to be super-efficient at creating videos or be happy in front of the lens).

Here are some tools that, believe me, you will love (we already mentioned FlexClip at the third tips). You can use this service, to effortlessly add a montage of both images and videos in a single content.

If you want to make a movie on your iPhone, take a look at Inshot and Videoshop, both excellent editing tools on your iPhone (you can also add some very nice effects). Both very simple to use.

You can use each of these tools to create videos and start getting familiar with the camera too, and of course, you can also rely on Facebook Live and Periscope. I love being able to connect with your audience with live videos and use those already recorded to play them later. Once you start, you will never stop using them!

By editor

Hemant is Digital Marketer and he has 6 + years of experience in SEO, Content marketing, Infographic etc.