
TechssocialIt only takes 50 milliseconds for people to form their first impression of a website. And since their opinion of your website influences their opinion of your company, you want to ensure that the first impression is good. The same thing happens with your brand’s logo, but luckily for that, you’ve got a quick solution. Click here for high-quality logos.

That’s right—it’s not enough to just have a functional site anymore. You also need to have one that follows the latest trends and stays on top of the future of web design.

If you haven’t updated your website in quite some time, you may not know where to start. Well, we’re here to help!

Keep reading to discover current trends you should incorporate into your website design today as well as some future trends to keep an eye on.

Emotional Designs

It’s no secret that brand loyalty is a huge factor when trying to get repeat business. By fostering your relationship with customers, you can help them form a positive association with your company. Once a customer has loyalty towards your brand, they will continue to buy from you time and time again.

One way to increase this connection is to use emotional designs on your website. There are four main categories of emotional connections:

  • Surprise and anticipation
  • Joy and sadness
  • Fear and anger
  • Trust and disgust

Start by deciding how your content can fall into one of the above categories. Then, use design elements, like imagery and colors, to further push this emotional connection and help viewers feel closer to your brand.


Think about the last time you went shopping online. When you added something to your cart, you probably got a message that said something along the lines of “item successfully added to cart” or noticed a little red circle next to the cart icon containing the number of items you’re about to purchase. These are prime examples of micro-interactions.

Micro-interactions can also add fun touches to your website to help bring it to life, such as bursting confetti from a picture when you lay your mouse over it or highlighting the current page being viewed on the menu bar. These types of microinteractions give users a more positive experience and help them connect with your brand.

A good website design company will give you more details on micro-interactions and how they can help elevate your website.

3D Illustrations

Images are an important part of any website design. They add visual interest and help get the viewer’s attention.

In 2019, websites are shying away from flat illustrations and going 3D instead. Following this trend is especially important if you sell products.

Having 3D renderings allows customers to see your product from all different angles and get a better grasp of what they are about to buy. This can make them more confident in their purchase and more likely to buy from you over a competitor who is still using flat product images.

Serif Fonts

Long ago, sans-serif fonts were considered the go-to for web design as they were easier to read on screen. This is still true today, to a point.

Smaller text can become blurred when using serif fonts. However, it’s becoming increasingly popular to use serif fonts for headers and other large texts. It catches the viewer’s eye and can highlight important information while still remaining easy to read because of its larger size.

Single Page Websites

Opting for a single page design helps your website tell a story. Your viewers can scroll past information on your company, products, and location without having to click through several different pages.

Not only does this help them connect with your brand, but it’s also easier for mobile users to navigate. Of course, you can still keep the top menu bar that will take viewers to the appropriate spot on the page. This gives you the best of both worlds: a single page design and the ability for users to quickly find the information they’re looking for.

Data Visualizations

Are you looking for a way to present complicated information or statistics to your viewers? Look no further than data visualizations and infographics.

These grasp your viewer’s attention and help them digest information. While you may immediately think of bar graphs and pie charts, these aren’t your only options.

Let’s say you want to show how widespread your company is. You may include a map with dots showing where your clients or brick and mortar stores are located. This helps your potential customers see just how successful you are without having to read a boring list of cities.

Future Trends to Look For

Now that you know what’s popular now, let’s look at what will be trending in the future. Keep your eye out for the following website design trends.


Virtual reality is becoming more and more accessible, and it’s only a matter of time before it finds its way into website design.

VR is expected to take 3D images to the next level. Potential customers could simply put on their VR headset and interact with products in a virtual world to help them decide if they should purchase it or not. This may also extend to hotels and has already been used in real estate to help users see a location without actually being there.

5G Networks

Website speed is everything, and this is only going to be amplified in the next few years.

5G networks are expected to become the norm in the not-so-distant future. This means that websites will load faster and each second and millisecond of loading time will count more than ever.


Chatbots have been around for some time now, but they will become even more popular with the advancement of artificial intelligence technology. Soon, they will be able to understand complex questions and give detailed responses, making them a necessity for quick and reliable communication with consumers.

Current Trends and the Future of Web Design

Don’t settle for a website that’s outdated. Instead, use the above guide to ensure your website is following the current trends and ready to take on the future of web design.

Do you want more tips and tricks to help your business thrive? Then check out the rest of our blog today!

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