
TechssocialIn this modern era almost all students use a gadget to manage their studies and platforms such as iOS and Android have the best apps to improve the learning process. These are the most useful applications that I could find to study.

  1. Duolingo (iTunes):

Available both for Android and iOS is ideal for all those people who are studying languages because with this application you learn new words, it puts tasks for you to test your knowledge, and is completely free WriteMyEssayOnline.

  1. (Android):

If you have problems organizing then this app is for you. It has an excellent system to create lists of things to do and also synchronizes your tasks with the rest of your gadgets so you are aware of any device. You can use the touch interface to create new tasks or use your voice, change the priority of an entry, mark the ones you complete and shake your device to eliminate all completed tasks. It is very intuitive, easily accessible and has a widget to be added on your Home screen.

  1. Mathway (Android):

Mathematics can turn into a headache but with Mathway everything is easier. It offers a step-by-step guide to find answers to problems related to algebra, geometry, and more. Just enter the problem and verify that the answer is correct.

  1. (Android):

For those who study letters or those who have to read complicated books, this is the app par excellence because it allows you to know the meaning of each word you do not know. As an extra option, it allows you to see what words are looking for those who are using around you, as a spy tool on your classmates.

  1. SelfControl (Android):

One of the things that most affect the action of studying are distractions: phone calls, Facebook notifications, friends’ emails, alerts, etc. With SelfControl (self-control in Spanish) it is easy to block a number of websites that can distract you from the study for a certain time. When you finish studying you can again enjoy your distractions.

  1. RealCalc Scientific Calculator (Android):

The standard calculator of your smartphone falls short when you have to use it to solve a math problem, however, RealCalc Scientific Calculator is the application that has everything you need to solve equations.

  1. Livescribe pen:

One of the proofs that the internet of things can do a lot for your life is this pen. Attending class on many occasions becomes hours and hours of taking notes in an uninterrupted manner. However, with this pen, you can record your classes and pass your notes whenever you want.

You can also send these recordings to the device you want via Bluetooth. In addition, if you want to further facilitate your experience, the company also has for sale notebooks that communicate with the smartpen and reproduce what is written with it using the so-called internet of things.

  1. Bamboo Spark

We continue with the notebooks because no doubt taking notes is one of the most cumbersome things to attend class. In this case, it is an intelligent notebook in which you can write by hand. What is its particularity?

All the texts that you write with him can be saved directly in his memory or in the cloud. Any handwritten note can be filed and modified without having to resort to the usual method of passing the notes to clean.

  1. Virtual keyboard Celluon Magic Cube

If you are one of those who believes that taking a laptop to class is a nuisance because of the size but the keyboard of the tablet is too small this may be the solution. This gadget projects a keyboard on the work table that connects with the smartphone or tablet you are using for it.

  1. Infoscan TS Lite

Have you ever had to copy texts from books in the library that are not on loan? Or maybe from a book of your teacher … Whatever the case this gadget will allow you to capture all the information you want from a book and store it in a multimedia device.

  1. iBackPack

Since you have to carry so much gadget on top, it’s best to also have a smart backpack. This backpack is perfect to keep all the equipment you use in your day to day. It has USB ports, connects via wifi and also has a Bluetooth speaker and allows charging batteries. A perfect complement to the routine at the university.

By Sagar Mandan

Sagar is HR at He has been writing last 3 years on different blogging sites. He has also helped small businesses to gain their ranking.

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