digital marketing


TechssocialOnline marketing for law firms is essential in today’s day and age. Since potential clients do a lot of research before narrowing down their search on a law firm, it is imperative for law firms to have a robust online presence. This entails having a well-maintained website, social media presence as well as online advertising. Hence, this piece has been put together to enlist the top 10 tips for online marketing for law firms. If and when you implement these 10 tips, it will surely improve your firm’s online marketing efforts along with return-on-investment (ROI).

1. Make Sure That Your Website Is Serviceable:

Your website for better or worse is the face of your firm and the first way people recognize and find your firm online. It is also the hub of all the digital marketing activities being undertaken by you currently or will be undertaken by you in the future. Hence it is imperative that your website makes the best possible impression on people who come over to your site.

Your website should offer the right information and should also be able to stand out from your competition. Further, your website should also have avenues for potential clients to reach out to you. Make sure that your website is up-to-date, easily navigable and also mobile responsive.

2. SEO:

SEO is short for search engine optimization and it is a tip that will never cease to be relevant for law firms. Actually, with the increase in online content, SEO today is more important than it has ever been. You should engage in both on-page and off-page SEO to get better rankings in search engine result pages (SERPs).

You will find useful article: SEO for Survival

You should target the right keywords and then invest your time and resources in crafting a strategy which gets you desirable rankings. It is imperative that you do so because the top three rankings on SERPs get the lion share of the click’s and an overwhelming majority of people don’t even make it to the second page of the SERPs when they are looking up products or services. Visibility is crucial for the success of online businesses and it will be possible if and when you execute your SEO campaigns expertly.

3. Get Active On Social Media:

active on social media

More people use the internet for social networking than they do for anything else. Some of the most popular social media platforms of our times have memberships in hundreds of millions and even billions. Thus it is imperative for you to have a solid social media presence for your law firm. Once you get active on social media and engage with your followers, it will build trust and facilitate relationships. Potential clients will find it easy to contact you and it will increase your conversions. You will also be able to get a lot of referral business because social media is the new word-of-mouth.

4.Get Busy Blogging:

If you don’t have a blog, then it is high time you get one and get busy blogging! Blogging is another tip which is never going to lose relevance for law firms. At Least not for the foreseeable future. Blogs have a lot of benefits and you are advised to make full use of them. You can position yourself as an authority in your niche by blogging regularly about important things. There are plenty of things you can blog about, right from information on your staff to what’s going in your law firm etc.

5. Use More Video:

If and when you incorporate videos on your website, you will surely see a jump in your engagement levels. You can include videos on attorney bio pages which will help in humanizing your staff. It is expected that video is going to be the next big thing in content marketing. Thus it is imperative for you to use more video on your website, if you aren’t doing so already.

6. Make Sure You Have Calls-To-Action:

You must make sure that all your content pieces have a CTA. Calls-to-action make it easy for the website owners to influence the visitors into taking action. This action is setting up a consultation, paying for services, emailing, subscribing to newsletter, etc. It is imperative that you include them on your website as it will help people in easily navigating the website while helping you in return. It is a must-have and often results in a win-win situation for all parties concerned.

7. Email Marketing:

Email marketing is another tip for law firms which isn’t likely to lose relevance any time soon. This is because email marketing has delivered a better ROI than most other marketing formats, including but not limited to social media, direct mail and paid search. It is for these reasons that you should have email marketing in your marketing mix.

email marketing

An overwhelming majority of internet users still use their emails, so if and when you execute your campaigns well, it can possibly have a high open-rate. You can personalize your emails so that they get better response from your target audience.

8. Great website content:

Your website should have great content. This means that not only should the content be amazing but it should also be well supported by visually appealing design. You will have a strike a rich balance between style and substance to get better results for your content. Your website should clearly disclose all relevant and important information about your business.

9. Encourage Reviews from Clients:

A lot of people research services and products before buying them. It helps them in making a decision and often the reviews they read end up influencing their decision, for better or for worse. Hence, it is critical for you to encourage reviews from your clients.

Client reviews

This can be done in a lot of different ways but it is imperative that you have a healthy stream of reviews coming your way. Once you have reviews on your site, visitors won’t go looking for social proof on sites you don’t control. You can control the quality of reviews on your site, but you can’t control it on others. Hence, you should proactively think of new ways to get more reviews from your clients.

10. Hire The Experts:

While you may be able to do well on your own, it doesn’t hurt to hire the services of experts sometimes. Sometimes it is imperative for you to hire a white label digital marketing agency for better results in your business.

Don’t take digital marketing for your law firm lightly, because there are a lot of firms competing in the same niche as you, and not everyone is going to be a success. If and when you hire an expert white label digital marketing agency, you will be able to maximize your ROI and also get the best results.

The Bottom Line

A lot of things must work in complete harmony to get the best results while marketing a law firm. If and when done correctly, digital marketing can offer a lot of benefits to the law firm in question. Not only will it build the firm’s profile, but it will also help the firm in building credibility in its areas of expertise. It will also help firms to get in front of their target audience with the right message.

By editor

Hemant is Digital Marketer and he has 6 + years of experience in SEO, Content marketing, Infographic etc.

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