Instagram Reels Tactics


As the popularity of Instagram continues to rise, businesses and influencers are constantly looking for new ways to engage and grow their followers. Instagram Reels is one of the latest features to take the platform by storm. These short, fun videos allow users to showcase their creativity and personality while providing a valuable opportunity for businesses to connect dynamically with their audience.

This article will explore seven tactics for using Instagram Reels to engage and grow your followers. From utilizing Reel templates and hashtags to engaging with your audience and posting consistently, we will discuss how to maximize this feature and boost your Instagram marketing strategy. So, whether you’re new to Reels or looking to enhance your current approach, keep reading to learn how to use this feature and stand out on the platform effectively.

7 Instagram Reels Tactics

Tactic 1: Utilize Reels templates

One effective way to engage and grow your followers on Instagram is by utilizing Reels templates. These pre-designed templates make creating eye-catching and professional-looking content for your Reels easy. Not only do they save time and effort in designing your content, but they also provide a consistent and cohesive look for your brand.

Utilize Reels templates

To make the most of Reel’s templates, customize them with your unique brand elements, such as logo, color scheme, and fonts. It will help increase brand recognition and reinforce your brand identity. Additionally, incorporating trending themes and challenges into your templates can help attract a wider audience and increase engagement.

Using Reels templates is also a great way to showcase your products or services visually appealingly. You can use the frame-by-frame feature to highlight different features or benefits of your offerings, making them more engaging and informative for your followers.

Feel free to experiment with different templates and see which resonates best with your audience. With the right combination of creativity and customization, Reels templates can be a powerful tool for engaging and growing your followers on Instagram.

Tactic 2: Add hashtags to maximize discoverability

One of the key tactics for engaging and growing your followers through Instagram Reels is to use hashtags. Hashtags are essential for increasing the discoverability of your Reels, making them visible to a broader audience. When strategically using hashtags can help you to attract new followers and increase engagement on Reels.

To effectively utilize hashtags on Instagram Reels, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Research relevant hashtags for your niche or industry. By using hashtags that are popular and relevant to your content, you can reach a larger and more targeted audience.
  2. Include a mix of broad and specific hashtags. It will help your Reels appear in popular and niche categories, increasing your chances of being discovered.
  3. Use hashtags in the caption or comments. Both options are effective, so choose what works best for your strategy.
  4. Consider creating a branded hashtag for your business or campaign. It can create a sense of community and encourage followers to use it.
  5. Stay updated with trending hashtags and incorporate them into your Reels when relevant. It can help your content appear in front of a larger audience.

Incorporating hashtags into your Instagram Reels is a simple yet powerful way to increase your discoverability and, ultimately, your follower count. Experiment with different hashtags and monitor their effectiveness in reaching your target audience. Remember to keep them relevant and use strategic combinations to maximize your reach.

Tactic 3: Reshare Videos

One of the most effective tactics for engaging and growing your followers through Instagram Reels is to reshare videos. You can tap into their audience by reposting content from other creators and potentially gaining new followers.

When choosing videos to reshare, ensure they align with your brand and resonate with your audience. You can also collaborate with other creators to create unique and engaging content for your followers.

Hashtags and captions are essential to include when resharing videos to maximize discoverability and give credit to the original creator. Remember to engage with the original creator by tagging them in your post and mentioning them in the caption. You must know how to add attractive captions in the reel.

By resharing videos, you diversify your content and show your audience that you support and appreciate other creators. It can help build a sense of community on Reels and attract more followers to your account.

Tactic 4: Crafting a compelling CTA

A compelling call-to-action (CTA) is crucial for encouraging your audience to act after watching your Instagram Reels. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling CTA that will drive engagement and growth:

  • Keep it direct and clear: Your CTA should clearly state what you want your audience to do. Use action words like “comment,” “like,” or “share” to encourage specific actions.
  • Highlight the benefits: Let your audience know what they will gain by taking the desired action. Whether it’s a chance to be featured on your page or access exclusive content, make it enticing.
  • Use visuals: Incorporating visuals in your CTA can make it more eye-catching and memorable. Consider using stickers or text overlays to make your CTA stand out.

Remember, a strong CTA can make all the difference in converting your viewers into engaged followers. Experiment with different CTAs and track their performance to find the most effective one for your brand. Don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun with it!

Tactic 5: Include Trending Audio

One of the most effective ways to engage and grow your followers through Instagram Reels is by incorporating trending audio into your videos. As we know, audio plays a crucial role in capturing the attention of viewers and keeping them engaged. Using popular or trending audio tracks gives you a higher chance of your Reels being discovered and shared by other users.

To find trending audio, browse the “Reels” section on the Instagram app or use the “Explore” feature to see popular Reels. Take note of the songs or audio used and try to incorporate them into your content. You can also search for trending hashtags related to audio and see what types of videos are being created with those sounds.

It’s essential to remember that while trending audio can increase your visibility, staying true to your brand and the type of content you create is vital. Don’t use audio that doesn’t align with your brand’s values or messaging just to be trendy. Instead, find a way to incorporate the audio into your authentic content that fits your brand’s style.

Using trending audio is a great way to stay relevant and attract new followers, but it’s also important to continuously experiment and find what works best for your brand. Feel free to try new things and see what resonates with your audience. With the right combination of trending audio and creative content, you can engage and grow your followers on Instagram Reels.

Tactic 6: Engaging with Your Audience

One of the key benefits of using Instagram Reels is the potential for engagement with your audience. Connecting with your followers and building a community around your brand is a great opportunity. Here are some tips for effectively engaging with your audience on Reels:

  1. Respond to comments: Take the time to reply to comments on your Reels. This not only shows your followers that you value their feedback, but it also encourages them to engage with your content in the future.
  2. Like and share: Remember to like and share comments from your audience. It helps to boost engagement and show your appreciation for their support.
  3. Foster a community: Use Reels to connect with your audience and build a community around your brand. Encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences in the comments.

By engaging with your audience on Reels, you can build a loyal following who will continue to engage with your content and become customers or advocates for your brand. Consistent engagement with your audience can also improve your reach and discoverability on the platform.

Tactic 7: Post consistently

Consistency is vital in building a solid presence on Instagram Reels. You can increase your visibility and engagement with your followers by posting regularly. Aim to post at least 2-3 Reels per week, and stick to a schedule so your audience knows when to expect new content from you. It will also help you stay on top of any trending topics or challenges you can incorporate into your Reels.

Additionally, posting consistently shows that you are dedicated to providing quality content for your followers, which can help build trust and loyalty. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of content and see what resonates with your audience.

With consistent posting, you can continue to engage and grow your followers through Instagram Reels. So, stay on top of your posting schedule and keep your audience entertained and engaged with your creative and timely Reels.


Incorporating Instagram Reels into your marketing strategy can significantly impact follower engagement and growth. You can attract a wider audience and increase your reach by utilizing Reel templates, adding relevant hashtags, resharing videos, and including trending audio. Engaging with your audience through comments, likes, and shares is crucial in fostering a loyal community and building a solid following. You must also know things like how long can reels be,

Consistency is vital when it comes to posting Reels, so make sure to maintain a regular schedule to keep your audience engaged. Feel free to experiment and get creative with Reels to find what works best for your brand. With these tactics, you can effectively engage and grow your followers on Instagram Reels, ultimately increasing brand awareness and potential customers. So, start incorporating Reels into your Instagram strategy and watch your following grow.

By editor

Hemant is Digital Marketer and he has 6 + years of experience in SEO, Content marketing, Infographic etc.